The Show’s the Thing

Opening night! I’m butterflies. Hot bath to relax and hydrate the throat, and off we go.

The trick is not to think of Michael Jackson (ewww) - who, at last check, hung with the Santa Barbara law for all of about two hours before he bounced on $3 million bail. And today Phil Spector was finally charged with murder. Nine months he larked around before being charged. Nine months. We oughtta be ashamed.

Time for a revolution. I’m there. Just get back to me in a few weeks, after the run of my show is over.

About Linus

The man behind the curtain. But couldn't we get a nicer curtain?
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2 Responses to The Show’s the Thing

  1. Mom says:

    How’d opening night go?? ~Thinking about you all day long-distance with great wishes for fun and success.

  2. Hey Mom! Thanks for posting. At 6:07, when you were reading and writing here, I was of course dead asleep.

    I won’t say opening night was an artistic triumph, but it did go very well. We had a full house and nobody fell off the stage, and thanks for your long-distances wishes well. Fun was indeed had.

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